Cast Off!

Posted: August 14th, 2007 | Author: | Filed under: Miss Kate | No Comments »

Kate’s cast is off. Hooray! It was sawed off yesterday in all its stinkiness and she was given a clean bill of bone health. The twice-broken leg is evidently stronger than the other leg now with all the new bone that grew to mend it. Of course it just makes me want to put a cast on the right leg now to protect it from harm.

As the doctor came in to check her out with it off, Kate bequeathed her with a sticker and also said, “Kate beach! Kate swimming water!” So on my day off, Friday, I plan to jump in a pool or lake with her. Yippee! Summer will begin in August 17th!

In other news my return to work was hardly an easing-back-in experience. We had to respond to an RFP which meant some weekend work and more stress than usual–but we shipped it off on Thursday and it rocks! I would really really love for us to get this work. We’ll find out next week.

So sleepy. Must vegetate and give into my newest and most shameful guilty pleasure–watching the early evening entertainment shows. God forgive me.

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