Heed My Words

Posted: May 30th, 2008 | Author: | Filed under: Miss Kate | 1 Comment »

To any parents who are planning to move their child from a crib to a Big Girl or Big Boy bed:

In order to glamorize many of the wonderful attributes of big beds versus cribs, such as the existence of pillows, do not–I repeat do not–incorporate pillow fluffing into your child’s bedtime ritual.

Why, you ask?

Well, depending on the child’s tenacity in the excuses-to-stay-up arena, this could turn into a task you are called upon to do several times at nap time and night time.

And if you can imagine such a thing, the requests–annoying as they are in and of themselves–are made exceedingly more malodorous due to the way they are typically expressed.


Unless of course, you enjoy feeling more like your child’s indentured servant than you perhaps already do. Then by all means, develop a robust and complex pillow fluffing tradition.

Kate’s Personal Pillow Fluffer

1 Comment »

One Comment on “Heed My Words”

  1. 1 Becca said at 10:43 am on June 2nd, 2008:

    Oh, the bedtime rituals… we were foolish enough to make a whole litany of them for Max, then had to have a check list on the door lest we forget any necessary piece. The twins get a book and bed. Nada mucho!

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