Let’s Make a Deal

Posted: April 8th, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Miss Kate, Parenting | 2 Comments »

Like a United flight, we encountered delays this morning.

But ours weren’t due to weather in Chicago or some vaguely-described-so-as-to-not-make-you-worry mechanical issue. Ours were from what’s become a regular waking nightmare here at Casa McClusky–getting Kate dressed.

And so in an effort to expedite the process, and to reduce the number of tears shed by either her or me, I offered the girl a deal. If she put on a fresh pair of panties, she could watch Blues Clues.

It was by no means my finest hour as a mother. But it did result in me getting my desired outcome. A victory for me and the proverbial doctors-who-may-see-them everywhere.

But now as I crawl into bed, I’m fearful of the precedence that I might have set. And hopeful that the new day doesn’t deliver Kate, taunting me with a clean pair of Elmo undies dangling from one finger and muttering in some raspy tough-guy voice, “No Blues Clues, no panties, Lady.”


2 Comments on “Let’s Make a Deal”

  1. 1 Nell said at 6:51 am on April 9th, 2009:

    That could result in what John refers to as a No Pants Day…a reference to the epic morning when my 4 year old stripped down on the front lawn as a protest against getting packed into the car for the drive to work. (Silly kid, he thought that would actually stop me.) At least you live in a fairly mild climate!

  2. 2 Becca said at 6:24 pm on April 9th, 2009:

    We are in this blissful place between the daily wars of Max refusing to get dressed, then Cal and Spence tag-teaming the temper tantrums about pants, and the eager anticipation of this beautiful little baby turning into the morning tasmanian devil. Thank you for reminding me that there is one terrible behavior we currently DO NOT experience…

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