Guest Blogger: Miss Paige

Posted: December 7th, 2011 | Author: | Filed under: Blogging, Paigey Waigey Wiggle Pop, Preschool | 3 Comments »

Once again I’ve let the indulgent act of living my life get in the way of recording it here. Apologies.

Yesterday as I grabbed Paige’s jacket at her preschool, I saw a row of poems the teachers had affixed above each child’s coat hook. And as I read Paige’s—my heart ablaze with pride and love—I had a maternal aha moment. A thought that rarely crosses my mind: I don’t have to do it all myself. Or more precisely, why do it all myself when I can enlist my child to do it for me?

I really think that child labor is under-utilized. It’s free! It’s there for the taking! And they don’t understand a thing about labor laws or minmum wage.

So then, to make up for my recent inability to cram blogging into my crazy-hectic days, I’ve enlisted the writerly stylings of my darling three year old, Paige. (She’s actually guest-blogged for me before.) Paige turns four next month, so I guess she’s really my three and eleven-twelfths year old. Whatever the case, at least I’m still not measuring her age in months. Am I the only one who hates hearing that someone’s child is 37 months old?

Whatever the case, you’re about to learn that Paige feels much older than her years anyway.

Here’s her above-her-coat-hook poem:

I am a flower.
I wonder if I can be a ballerina when I grow up.
I hear a snake hissing.
I see a baby tiger.
I want a treat from my Halloween candy.
I pretend I’m a baby tiger.
I feel like I’m a teenager.
I dream I’m purple.
I try to get my sister what she wants to do.
I am thankful for my big sister.
I am loving my big sister.
I am Paige.

If I get my act together in time for Christmas, I want to make a “sister” photo book for the girls with pictures of the two of them together. This poem screams out for inclusion in that book, don’t you think? Especially the part where submissive Little Sis Paigey tries “to get” her Big Sis “what she wants to do.”

I hope some day they’ll laugh about that, and not be processing it in a psychiatrist’s office.


3 Comments on “Guest Blogger: Miss Paige”

  1. 1 Rickapedia said at 9:24 am on December 7th, 2011:

    If it were legal in this state I would marry this blog.

  2. 2 Mary said at 10:21 am on December 7th, 2011:

    Oh my god, that poem is precious. I think you need to frame a photo next to the poem and put it up!

    Also considering telling people my age in months from now on.

  3. 3 kristen said at 2:28 pm on December 19th, 2011:

    Rick: If you’ve got a ring, let’s talk.

    Mary: I think you’re on to something with the months thing. Clever girl.

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